Raising A Toddler: How To Survive Weekends Without Wifi And Yaya | Smart Parenting | Usapang Tatay

2022-04-24 1

Raising A Toddler: How To Survive Weekends Without Wifi And Yaya | Smart Parenting | Usapang Tatay

Can dads make it through a weekend with a toddler minus the internet and yaya? Smart Parenting's first-ever daddy editor-at-large Joey Ong says it can be done! Watch how this daddy is able to make weekend bonding extra fun with the help of nature, and his very cute toddler Joselito who loves to "climb up the mountain!" Simply adorable!

Catch the highlights here:
00:15 - How this dad ended up without a yaya
00:35 - Joey Ong's weekend without wifi tips
00:49 - Tip 1: Go biking
01:13 - Tip 2: Play and learn with anything
01:53 - Cute Joselito's preferred weekend activity: "Go up the mountain!"
02:19 - Tip 3: Be like a kid again
02:59 - Tip 4: Go out and explore. They visit the bee farm next door!
03:47 - Tip 5: Go back to analog

Read more here: https://bit.ly/37iWYDU

#UsapangTatay #JoeyOng #WeekendWithoutWifi #WeekendWithoutYaya #SmartParenting

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